
my story on how I became a bird person

willow's page
Sunshine's Page
Kiwi's page
Blueberries Page
SKy's Page
videos & fun stuff
taming your bird
food for thought
cages for keets
my story on how I became a bird person
bath time
before buying a bird
mating & sexing birds
telling the Difference between a baby budgie & a adult budgie
types of budgies
More Photos

this is how I got hooked on birds


Well I have had budgies/parakeets all of my life starting when I was 13 I got my first one as a birthday gift her name was Blueberry.

Blueberry lived for about a year & died from a cold.

my first budgie blueberry

Then the next year I got another parakeet who I named Pee Wee.
He had a great life and lived to be 7 or 8 years old. It might have been longer but I moved away from where I left him with a day care.

When I met my husband we were living together & got Winkie
than we gave him to his mom because we had to move & could not have ANY pets. Sadly to say he also died from a draft.

When Megan was a year old she saw my niece’s bird Joey & she fell in love. After our family vacation we went to the pet store & got her Kiwi. Yep the same one we still have now.

my daughter & her first bird kiwi

When my mom got sick she asked us to take in Sky because she could no longer care for her so we did.

sky my mother's bird

After we took Sky in we got a bigger cage from e bay. It looked so empty with just 2 small budgies in there.
One day as a joke, my husband was going to the pet store for fish supplies & I said, "Why don't you bring home a bird..."
Well an hour later there was Sunshine.


Now seeing that I had 3 birds, 2 females & Sunshine the male, the girls fought over the lone male. I took Sky out & put her up in my son's room.
Well not wanting her to be lonely I asked Scott if I could get another bird to even things off.

Well Matthew and I were in the mall one day & saw Willow.
So then we had 4.


After we moved up to NH we were in another pet store & spied Rainbow. He was just too pretty to leave there so he came home with us.


For a while we had this bunch then about a year later I got the budgie itch again & asked for another bird for my birthday & then came Bluebell.


Some time in March we were at our local hardware /pet store & fell in love with Twitter. We begged & pleaded and it must have worked because she ended up coming home with us.


A week or so later we were going to be mulch shopping well they did not have the color that we wanted but hubby did come out with a small box that had Buttercup in it.


2007 was a very hard year for our family we lost 2 very sweet budgies
we lost willow in November
& kiwi passed on being almost 9 years old she lived a very long & good budgie life both birds will be missed
in Feb of 08 we got a new budgie to help heal our hearts this is flutter she is a very fun & loving bird

our newest budgie flutter


well hello again I cannot believe it has been 7 years from having any budgies in my house.
but we now have 2 cute bugs names sapphire & sprite they came home with us on 08-11-15