Well I have had budgies/parakeets all of my life starting when I was 13 I got my first one as a birthday
gift her name was Blueberry.
Blueberry lived for about a year & died from a cold.
my first budgie blueberry |
Then the next year I got another parakeet who I named Pee Wee. He had a great life and lived to be 7 or 8 years old. It might have
been longer but I moved away from where I left him with a day care.
When I met my husband we were living together & got Winkie than we gave him to his mom because
we had to move & could not have ANY pets. Sadly to say he also died from a draft.
When Megan was a year old she saw my niece’s bird Joey & she fell in love. After our family
vacation we went to the pet store & got her Kiwi. Yep the same one we still have now.
my daughter & her first bird kiwi |
When my mom got sick she asked us to take in Sky
because she could no longer care for her so we did.
After we took Sky in we got a bigger cage from e bay. It looked so empty with just 2 small budgies
in there. One day as a joke, my husband was going to the pet store for fish supplies & I said, "Why don't you bring
home a bird..." Well an hour later there was Sunshine.
Now seeing that I had 3 birds, 2 females & Sunshine the male, the girls fought over the lone male. I took Sky out &
put her up in my son's room. Well not wanting her to be lonely I asked Scott if I could get another bird to even things
Well Matthew and I were in the mall one day & saw Willow. So then we had 4.
After we moved up to NH we were in another pet store & spied Rainbow. He was just too pretty to
leave there so he came home with us.
For a while we had this bunch then about a year later I got the budgie itch again & asked for another bird for my birthday
& then came Bluebell.
Some time in March we were at our local hardware
/pet store & fell in love with Twitter. We begged & pleaded and it must have worked because she ended up coming home
with us.
A week or so later we were going to be mulch shopping well they did not have the color that we wanted
but hubby did come out with a small box that had Buttercup in it.
2007 was a very hard year for our family we lost 2
very sweet budgies
we lost willow in November
& kiwi passed on being almost 9 years old she
lived a very long & good budgie life both birds will be missed
in Feb of 08 we got a new budgie to help heal our
hearts this is flutter she is a very fun & loving bird
our newest budgie flutter |
well hello again I cannot believe it has been 7 years from having any budgies in my house.
but we now have 2 cute bugs names sapphire & sprite they came home with us on 08-11-15